Cancellation Policy

Definition of “Reservation Value” - The total amount for the entire reservation, as per the last updated reservation value, including meeting rooms, guest rooms, meals and any additional equipment or services ordered.


A reservation can be made verbally or in writing. The hotel will reconfirm the reservation in writing and the cancellation of a reservation or part of the reservation must always be confirmed in writing.

Group Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation of a paid reservation or part of the reservation can be made free of charge up until 48 hours prior to 2pm of the date of the first day of arrival.

Any changes or cancellations made within 48 hours prior to 2pm of the date of arrival will be charged at 50% of the value of the change/cancellation.

Reservations changed (quantities and dates) or cancelled within 24 hours prior to 2pm of the date of arrival, will not be refunded.


No Shows (non-cancelled rooms):

In case of no-show – if a guest or guests do not show up for their paid reservation, the confirmed reservation will not be refunded.



The hotel takes no responsibility for items stored or mislaid within the hotel property. The organizer of the group/event is responsible of reporting any damage to hotel property.


Force majeure:

Strike, lockout, fire, delivery restrictions or other circumstances that are beyond the

hotel’s reasonable control, entitles the hotel to cancel the reservation without reimbursement. The hotel also reserves the right to adjust the rates and prices for taxes/fees, which are beyond the control of the hotel.

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